• Over 5000 deliveries annually.
  • Highly qualified and trained consultants supported by team of post graduate trainees.
  • Post graduate training program recognized by CPSP.

Services offered:

  • Outpatient Consulting Clinics
  • Antenatal Care
  • Post Natal Care
  • Infertility Treatment
  • Family Planning
  • Lactation Management
  • Immunization
  • Normal Delivery
  • Instrumental Delivery
  • Elective and Emergency Cesarean Sections
  • D&E & D&C
  • Hysterectomies
  • Laparotomies
  • Laparoscopic Surgeries

Facility available:

  • Antenatal Ward – 15 bed unit
  • Labor room – 13 bed Unit
  • Post Natal – 12 bed Unit
  • Post – Operative – 20 bed wards and
  • High Dependent Unit – 3 bed
  • Semi-private rooms – 9 beds
  • Private rooms – 8 rooms